voici les fréquences FM sur 29mhz plus les infos sur quelques relais :
infos provenant de l'excellent forum 28mhz de F5OUX, Cyril
Administrateur du forum 28/50Mhz
Site web:
Pour rappel:
29.510 - 29.690 Khz (plage répéteurs)
Entrée répéteur:
29.520 - 29.590 Khz
29.600 KHz Fréquence Internationale appel Simplex
Sortie répéteur:
29.620 - 29.690 Khz
RH1 29.560 MHz 29.660 MHz
RH2 29.570 MHz 29.670 MHz
RH3 29.580 MHz 29.680 MHz
RH4 29.590 MHz 29.690 MHz
Les répéteurs les plus écoutés ici sont:
29.620 29.520 KP4IA PUERTO RICO
Aguas Buenas Yes
open, linked or crossband system to 145.425mhz ?, Voice:From KP4IA repeater,
Voice:This is the Kilo Papa 4 India Alfa repeater, Voice:2 meter to 6 meter and
to 10 meter link, this is the Kilo Papa 4 India Alfa repeater, the time is (and
then the QTR), CW-ID:DE KP4IA/R, Rogerbeep:3-tones in CW: S . . . (low/middle/
high-tone), sporadic coupling with KP3AV on 29.660mhz output.
29.620 29.520 KQ2H U.S.A.
New York-TSARC/Manhattan/ Yes
ctcss:146.2hz, sponsor:KQ2H, Manhattan
CW-ID:DE KQ2H/R, Voice:You are on KQ2H repeater (example: good morning the time
is 8:26 am), Voice:This is KQ2H repeater, Voice:The.................... minutes
of area time this is the KQ2H repeater system, RX in New Jersey?, Rogerbeep:
2-tone(low-high tone)
29.660 29.560 CT0HCA PORTUGAL Lisboa/Amadora
open, carrier operated, PWR:40W, ANT:vertical dipole, Voice:(Intro:Ding Dong)
This is Lisbon repeater Charly Tango Zero Hotel Charly Alfa, link on 439.400mhz
(with ctcss:192.8hz?), the TX and RX are 20 km apart. Equipment:10m from old
valved ge, 70cm ge mvp 3W. Responsible:CT1DGZ, Licensed to ARAS ASSOCIACAO DE
or e-mail:
29.660 29.560 KP3AV PUERTO RICO
oa Alta/County Toa Alta
open, carrier operated, ANT:Antron A-99(1/2-wave), linked or crossband system
on 449mhz, CW-ID:DE KP3AVRPT, Rogerbeep:4-tone and then a end-1-tone(high tone)
, sporadic coupling with KP4IA on 29.620mhz output.
29.660 29.560 SK6RIC SWEDEN Alingsues
PSE Info to DL6XB! Sponsor:SM6HQL and SM6FDQ
29.660 29.560 SK3RHU SWEDEN Hudiksvall
PSE Info to DL6XB! Sponsor:SM3BVF
29.660 29.560 SK7RVI SWEDEN Lyckeby/Karlskrona
TX-PWR:50W ERP, QTH near Karlskrona, CW-ID:KARLSKRONA, Rogerbeep:in CW "K"._. ,
linked or crossband system, Sponsor:SM7FGG
29.660 29.560 SK0RVM SWEDEN Stockholm Yes
Send a burst with 1750.0hz for 2-3 seconds and the repeater goes on air with
15 minutes-timer for TX, planning:Link on 10ghz and DTMF, TX-PWR:50W ERP,
29.660 29.560 HB9HD SWITZERLAND Brunnen (near Zuerich)
To activate the repeater, transmit a 1750.0hz-tone burst of approximately 0,5
sec on the input frequency (29.560mhz) or -using a DTMF (touch tone) Mike- by
sending the sequence 8. Ensure your FM deviation not to exceed 2,2khz in peak.
This is mandantory to keep the 10khz spacing and to prevent others from being
interferred by our repeater.
- Regular mode:
29.680 29.580 OZ6REX DENMARK Bredsten
open, TX-PWR:20W(planning:100W), Locator:JO45QQ, TX/RX-antennas are 1/2-wave-
vertical and 100m/HASL, linked system on 70cm, RX and TX are 1km apart. The TX
is in the QTH Bredsten from OZ1BSL. Sponsor:OZ1BSL, Rogerbeep:No Beep?. TNX for
29.680 29.580 CT0HPA PORTUGAL Pedro do Altar
(Alcanena)/ Yes
open, 550m/HASL, Locator:IM59QM, Serra D'Aire
ANT:horizontal dipole (1/2-wave), PWR:40W, Link with 3 Watt on 439.425mhz,
ctcss:192.8hz, sponsor:CT1OQ, CW-ID:CT0HPA, licensed to ARCP associacao de
radioamadores da costa da prata. TNX for this Info to:
29.680 29.580 SK7RGI SWEDEN Joenkoeping ?
With tonecall 1750.0hz or DTMF-tone "6" goes the repeater on air, TX-PWR:20W
(ERP:35W), split sites with link on 70cm between RX and TX. The distance is 9
km. The TX and RX-Antennas are 1/2-wave-groundplane. The repeater sends ID and
QTH every 30 minutes. CW-ID:SK7RGI TEST SK7RGI QTH JONKOPING. With DTMF-tone
"9" gives a Info. Responsible:SM7LQQ and SM7NDX. Owner of the repeater is
SVARK, Sodra Vatterbygdens Amatorradioklubb. TNX for this Info to:
29.690 29.590 DF0HHH GERMANY Hamburg
open, carrier operated, RX's/TX-Antennas:5/8-wave, TX-PWR:50W(planning:100W),
TX-Locator:JO43XN (on the building of the university) with 85m/HASL, 1.RX-Loca-
tor:JO43XN with 102m/HASL (distance to the TX:0,8km), 2.RX-Locator:JO43XK with
40m/HASL (distance to the TX:13km), planning a 3.RX in Locator:JO43WJ with
220m/HASL (distance to the TX:20km), CW-ID:DF0HHH HAMBURG all 5 minutes, plan-
ning in this year: real diversity-receiving with 3 receivers, voice-messages
(remote-controlled) and a digital-voice-recorder (recording-time:30 seconds
bonne chasse
f1pyw / eric