Reçu une eQSL de la station norvégienne LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster qui effectue des TESTS, cette station transmet ces Jingles en CW et en phonie sur 5895 Khz USB, voici un extrait du Mail reçu ainsi que l'eQSL jointe, pour ceux qui veulent la QSL papier il faut envoyer le rapport avec 3 US Dollars, je trouve cher pour une QSL à vous de voir :
Dear listeners!
Thanks so much for your email reports and recordings!
We are very happy that all you good people out there take time out to listen to us and report your hearing us.
We verify with great pleasure that you have heard LKB/LLE Bergen Kringkaster on 5895 kHz, 50,89 metres AM/USB/Short Wave over LLE-3, 50 watts.
We also at the moment have another transmitter on 1314 kHz, 228 metres Medium Wave, with the call sign LLE-2, giving an output of 80 watts.
Email verifications of reception of this channel will be sent out later.
The transmitters do not run exactly in parallel.
Please take this email letter as our QSL. We broadcast our morse ID VVV VVV VVV DE LKB/LLE LKB/LLE LKB/LLE. We also broadcast Voice IDs in Norwegian and English under this Norwegian Test and Development license which runs until the end of the year. It is likely to be continued next year also with program content if we can get the funding in place.
We are impressed of your achievement! And-congratulations on a fine catch!
Our SW transmitter is a modified Yaesu transceiver with the power of 50 watts, while the antenna is an inverted "V" for 49 metres.
I am attaching pictures.
Our target over here is to create two stations, one non-commercial station inspired by vintage format NZers
1XP Village Radio Tauranga AM 1368
and 3XP Radio Ferrymead, Christchurch AM 1413
and the other for hire. Radio Northern Star at is already leasing time.
We hope also to be on FM soon, and to experiment with other transmission modes than AM and USB.
Our current license gives us the option of going digital(DRM).
We hope next year to improve our antenna park, with a 40 metres mast donated by Fugro, in addition Askøy Municipality(owning the site) has promised to fund the re-establishment of a part of the Southern Mast.
We have an amateur station LA1ASK with its own QSL card regularly in use typically on 3702 kHz, and in 2010 we had a 5 watt beacon with the same call letters on 509 kHz, receiving reports from all over Northern Europe.
Our membership consists of both licensed radio amateurs, dxers and people generally interested in radio.
Why not join us-and become a member!?
We are also seeking sponsors and donations.
Please publish your reception and our information on as many boards, forums and lists as possible, not forgetting own DX and QSL blogs.
You are free to use our illustrations and pictures on the web and/or in magazines, but please don't forget to name the source.
If you have videos, why not put them on, like others already have done!
Please note: Those of you that have until the current date submitted written reports to our Post Box 100 by letter, and/or recordings with return postage, should soon, (by the end of November at the latest) also receive our 4-page glossy, color QSL-folder, with specified dates and times of the reception.
Please notify us if you haven't received our double card by then!
If anybody would like to send written reports, you are most welcome.
Verification will be by double QSL-card.
Remember to enclose return postage, either 3$ bills or Norwegian Stamps equal to NOK 9,50(Norway)NOK 13,00(Europe)15,00(Outside of Europe).
Please allow some time for our reply, as we are doing this work on our free time.
News of forthcoming transmissions are regularly published on our Facebook page, as well as the Facebook Groups of Arctic Radio Club, Medium Wave Circle, I Take Pictures of Transmitter Sites, WRTH Radio TV Handbook, A.I.R. Radioascolto, as well as via our email list.
Please share our news on your own Facebook wall, as well as on other social media!
73s and Good DX!
Svenn Martinsen
FBK/Foreningen Bergen Kringkaster(founded 2009)
Bergen Broadcasting Association
Svenn Martinsen