Reçu ce matin une eQSL de KTWR pour ma réception DRM, ils se foulent pas beaucoup pour l'eQSL toujours la même image et même pas mentionné que c'était en DRM, la seule chose motivante c'est le petit mot gentil de Becky :
June 16, 2016
Dear Mr. ........ Marcel,
I’m sending you warm greetings from the beautiful island of Guam. We are very happy to hear from you, and appreciate the time you took to send a report.
I am glad to verify that you listened to KTWR’s broadcast on June 14,2016 from 7H05-7H59 UTC on 17780 kHz.
Please find enclosed your QSL card and a program schedule for the A-15 frequency period that began on March 26, 2016
“The private and personal blessings we enjoy - the blessings of immunity, safeguard, liberty and integrity - deserve the thanksgiving of a whole life.”
Jeremy Taylor
Becky Philyaw
KTWR Frequency Coordination Department
Parler est un besoin, Ecouter est un talent...