explication de Reloef pa0rdt :
Hello Eric,
Thanks for the alert.
It is booming in here as it is only 120 km west from me over a 95% sea path. This is lifting vessel HGO Innovation, which is stationed in nearby Flushing Harbour.
Whilst driving over the A58 highway, it is not unusual to spot its typical double lifting arm extended, whilst for maintenance moored in harbour Flushing East.
There are a lot of beautiful photo's on the web.
30-12-2016 18:03 435.0 IVN 400 344.600 / 335.400 XOE 122 HGO Innovation
It has only been logged in REU once, whilst transmitting on 949 kHz.
It should be easy to hear over a large part of Europe, I guess.
(And certainly on the Twente WEB-SDR)
Best regards,
bonne chasse
f1pyw / eric