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 ISS de ce matin 13.3.12

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Messages : 9505
Date d'inscription : 20/10/2011
Localisation : Vittel / Vosges JN28WF

ISS de ce matin 13.3.12  Empty
MessageSujet: ISS de ce matin 13.3.12    ISS de ce matin 13.3.12  EmptyMar 13 Mar - 16:33

Encore pris 2 passages d'ISS ce matin, toujours Packet 1200 sur 145,825 Mhz :

1er passage 11H28 UTC dernière trame 11H33 perdu signal au-dessus de la Roumanie juste avant Bucarest, ici un extrait:

<11:04:08> 13/03/12 11:27:08 UTC - PACKET-1200
<11:27:51> `z9Ql" >/`"3r}145.825MHz ON6ML/M Mike OQ4A 73s
<11:27:56> =4912.33N/02138.97E`HI, de Dusan from Slovakia {UISS52}M0NPQ op.Nerijus JO02UO -Great Yarmouth '}N#l K\]
<11:28:36> ')Nl K\]=
<11:28:59> ')Nl K\]=
<11:29:00> :M0NPQ-15 :HI de Dusan from Slovakia')Nl K\]=
<11:29:00> `z9Ql >/`"3o}145.825MHz ON6ML/M Mike OQ4A 73s _"
<11:29:01> =5236.15N/00142.30E- 73' from GR.Yarmouth test APRS {UISS52}')Nl K\]=
<11:29:02> 'y]el `/]=
<11:29:03> :M0NPQ-15 :HI de Dusan from Slovakia'y2Wl -/]hello ISS,73 from Spain qth:Ubeda qra:Juan=
<11:29:09> :OM3WRD :Hello All. :Hello All.')Nl K\]=
<11:29:18> :DB5PZ :HELLO{55
<11:29:19> ')Nl K\]=
<11:29:19> :DB5PZ :HELLO{56
<11:29:19> >
<11:29:35> =/3Oe8R2xN` B- Janusz - JO73HJ Szczecin
<11:29:36> ')Nl K\]=
<11:29:36> :EA7IRI :rej56
<11:29:42> 'vX l '/]Atlantis&Nicole heading home
<11:29:43> >131018z73 from Attergau, Austria via SAT

2ème passage 13H03 UTC dernière trame 13H08 mais signal à l'oreille jusqu'à 13H10 ISS entrait sur la Lybie, extrait ci-dessous :

<13:03:34> `{>^ iKv/]"5\}Greetings from Belgium via ISS.=
<13:03:34> =4542.75N/01142.00E`73' Via ISS de Cris {UISS52}'~^ l -/]
<13:03:36> :G3YTX-7 :Nice to hear you name here is KeesJan=4532.92N/01930.11E-Op.Vlado/QTH:Kula {UISS52}:G3YTX-7 :Nice to hear you name here is KeesJanRS0ISS/R'~^ l -/]
<13:04:00> :Heard :ON6ML-9{UISS52}=4410.93N\00247.27ES73,s info:QRZ.COM {UISS52}'vX l '/]Atlantis&Nicole heading home
<13:04:46> ')Nl K\]=
<13:05:07> ')Nl K\]=
<13:05:07> '~^ l -/]
<13:05:08> Hello du Sud de France (JN14JE) op;Christian - Software:UISS v5.2.7=4912.33N/02138.97E`HI, de Dusan from Slovakia {UISS52}:BLNQSL2/2:ON6ML-9,F8NHA{UISS52}:CT2IWW :Boa tarde 73 desda a belgica{31
<13:05:26> ')Nl K\]=
<13:05:26> ')Nl K\]=
<13:05:27> ')Nl K\]=
<13:05:40> :CQ :I cnf Eqsl who rcv and answ this pkt msg{33
<13:05:40> :BLNQSL1/1:DL8DR,CT2IWW,ON4HF-9,DB5PZ,IK1COA{UISS52}'25$l K\]=
<13:05:58> =4203.48N/01224.32E-73's from space via I.S.S. {UIV23}
<13:05:59> '25$l K\]=
<13:05:59> '25$l K\]=
<13:05:59> =4756.37N/01328.94E`Hello to all via SAT de Peter AUSTRIA {UISS52}:BLNQSL1/1:F8NHA,IK1COA,CT2IWW,PE1PIC,ON3MR,IW0FKO,EA7HGW-15,SQ8HBT{UISS52}:HEARDlast:SQ8HBT,IW0FKO,EA7HGW-15,CT2IWW,PE1PIC,F8NHA,IK3ZGB-2{UISS52}=/7Kf;SGR@- B
<13:06:20> Op.Vlado
<13:06:20> QTH:Kula
<13:06:20> YU7RD@DB0RES.#NRW.DEU.EU
<13:06:20> yu7rd@yahoo.comHello from Olkusz via ISS Op. Mariusz'}N#l K\]
<13:06:29> =4410.93N\00247.27ES73,s info:QRZ.COM {UISS52}'.KBl -/]=
<13:06:44> '}N#l K\]
<13:07:17> :OM3WRD :73{62
<13:07:17> '25$l K\]=
<13:07:28> '25$l K\]=
<13:07:28> '25$l K\]=
<13:07:41> :SQ8HBT :TNX de Dusan from slovakiaa GL'vX l '/]Atlantis&Nicole heading home

Perso je trouve le décodage assez brouillon avec Multi, ci-dessous un extrait avec autre Soft on voit bien que c'est plus clair (ne me demandé lequel) :

[13:05:07 UTC] TTRQU2-0 IK1COA-0 RS0ISS-3 UI P/F=0 PID = F0
[13:05:07 UTC] ')Nl K\]=

[13:05:08 UTC] 4Q1TQR-0 CT2IWW-0 RS0ISS-3 PCSAT-11 W3ADO-1 WIDE2-2 UI P/F=0 [13:05:08 UTC] PID = F0

[13:05:08 UTC] CQ-0 F8NHA-0 RS0ISS-3 UI P/F=0 PID = F0
[13:05:08 UTC] Hello du Sud de France (JN14JE) op;Christian - Software:UISS v
[13:05:08 UTC] 5.2.7

[13:05:09 UTC] CQ-0 OM3WRD-0 RS0ISS-3 UI P/F=0 PID = F0
[13:05:09 UTC] =4912.33N/02138.97E`HI, de Dusan from Slovakia {UISS52}


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ISS de ce matin 13.3.12
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